Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Everyday, during and between the hours 4.30 and 6.00 in the evening, people from different parts of the world currently residing in Dharamshala, gather around the verandah of the Tibet Hope Center to talk, exchange, interact and discuss the different cultures, beliefs, and religions that each one practices, making for 1 and a half hours of extremely interesting and insightful conversation.

Topics and issues from all over the world are openly discussed, some even questioned, thus enabling each to become better aware of the myriad problems concerning the world today. Serious topics like history and governments are discussed, as also are topics of art, culture, music, food and films.

‘Conversations’ at THC is a beautiful stage for people to come, talk and share information about themselves and the countries they come from, as also learn about the same, from the others gathered.

We also play a small game in the end before we leave, that everyone takes part in. It is the best part of the session, and makes for quite a sight to watch people from different countries, races, and generations, come together and laugh and play.

As mentioned before, ‘Conversations; takes place every day between 4.30 and 6.00 at the Tibet Hope Center.

Please come and participate.

Everyone’s invited.

Hope to see you there today at 4.30.

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